The Ministry to Catholic Charismatic Renewal is a diocesan affiliate that serves the Hispanic and English speaking community under the authority of the Diocese of Toledo, Daniel E. Thomas, Bishop.
Announcing Bishop Daniel E. Thomas’ appointment of David Ordorica as the MCCR Executive Director and David will represent the Diocese of Toledo as a member of the Association of Diocese Liaisons (ADL)
on the National level.
There is a twelve-member Spiritual Leadership Council that is responsible for ensuring that the focus and direction of the ministry meets the Mission's stated objective.
The twelve-member Spiritual Leadership Council represents various areas of the Toledo Diocese. The Council seeks vision and direction from the guidance of the Holy Spirit
There is a twelve-member Spiritual Leadership Council that is responsible for ensuring that the focus and direction of the ministry meets the Mission's stated objective.
The twelve-member Spiritual Leadership Council represents various areas of the Toledo Diocese. The Council seeks vision and direction from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The CounciI agrees upon and sets policy with
the Executive Director who discharges its directives.
Fr. Jim Brown is the Spiritual Director of the MCCR and a member of the Spiritual Leadership Council.
To initiate and support living the fuIIness of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with a natural joy and fire integrated in the local church in personal holiness and corporate unity.
Mrs. Irene Bland serves as Office Manager for MCCR.
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